Episode 248: Behind the Scenes of Retail Ready® + YOUR Invite to Join

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🎉🎉 Retail Ready is OPEN FOR ENROLLMENT!  🎉🎉

Wizes – yes, we’re talking to you! – if you listen to this podcast and it’s exactly the information you need…then imagine what it’d be like to get expert CPG biz advice, tailored to YOUR situation, directly from me, Charlie, and our team inside of Retail Ready. Imagine what it’s like to be in a supportive community of other founders – and not alone – when a biz challenge or question comes up.

Today’s episode is for those of you who have been on the fence about Retail Ready®. In this episode, we welcome 10 women who are past and current Retail Ready® students, to hear how their business has grown since joining our program. Then, I walk you through the behind-the-scenes of Retail Ready®, telling you ALLLL about what you get when you join our program before Tuesday, June 11th at 11:59 PM PST:

🎁 Save your spot in our Revenue Ramp Up

🎁 Dive in with our 3 Month to $3k Success Plan

🎁 Secure three FREE extra 1:1 consulting calls in our Signature Program

🎁 Join our Quickstart Welcome Call on Thursday, June 13th, and MORE! 

We don’t want you to miss out, so JOIN US TODAY here!